Integration in University Residences
Integration in University Residences: SASULisboa participates in new ULisboa project
The Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) had its application approved for the Success and Abandonment Reduction in Higher Education Program, financed by DGES.
This program aims to stimulate the development of mechanisms to support the academic integration of new students and promote their success, through the adoption of innovative teaching and learning practices and through the strengthening of self-learning and teamwork practices.
The ULisboa program includes several working groups, in which the 18 ULisboa Schools are represented, as well as the Rectory and the Serviços de Ação Social (SASULisboa). The working Groups will work on the following activities:
- A.1 Mentoring and tutoring systems;
- A.2 Support for the integration of students in Higher Education;
- A.3 Team of integration facilitators in University Residences;
- A.4 Support for students with Special Educational Needs (NEE);
- A.5 Support for students from Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP);
- A.6 Creation of online study and collaborative work spaces.
Integration into University Residences
SASULisboa manage 12 University Residences for Students. Thus, SASULisboa are integrated into the Working Group “Team of integration facilitators in University Residences”.
The support and monitoring of resident students is not only important to guarantee a healthy coexistence in the residence space, but to facilitate the successful integration into higher education of students who are displaced – in general, displaced students experience more challenging transition processes than non-displaced students.
Currently, each residence is regularly monitored by a Social Action Technician from SASULisboa, who resident students can turn to whenever they feel any difficulty or need. There is also a Residents Committee in each residence, made up of a group of students, who are willing to monitor and support their fellow students, especially newcomers.
Although the role of these Resident Committees can be very relevant for the effective reception and integration of new students, it has not been possible to provide them with adequate and specific training so that they can perform their role more effectively.
The objective of this activity is, therefore, to organize and provide training for students who are part of the Resident Committees and for the technical teams that accompany the residences, to improve the integration processes of new residents.
It is expected that the members of the Committees will be able to assist in supporting and monitoring their colleagues, in identifying and addressing potential situations of maladaptation. It is also expected that they acquire tools to form groups for the development of new integration programs, such as mentoring programs.
The residences initially involved in this project will be: António Cruz Serra Residence, Duarte Pacheco Residence and Manuel da Maia Residence (which is expected to open during the 2nd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year).