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Access to administrative documents

On this page we provide you with all the necessary information in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 26/2016, of August 22, which approves the access regime to administrative and environmental information and the reuse of administrative documents.


Page last update on 2023-07-31

The Law no. 26/2016, of 22 August, amended by Laws no. 58/2019, of 8 August, Law no. 33/2020, of 12 August and Law no. 68/2021, of 26 August (Access to Administrative Documents Law - LADA), approved the regime for access to administrative and environmental information and for the reuse of administrative documents, transposing Directive 2003/4/EC, of the European Parliament and Council, of 28 January, and Directive 2003/98/EC, of the European Parliament and Council, of 17 November.

In compliance with the provisions of article 9 of the LADA, the position , name, was designated as responsible for access to the administrative documents of the Serviços de Ação Social da Universidade de Lisboa.

Information access and reuse requests

Access to administrative documents, regulated by Law 26/2016, of 22 August (LADA), must be requested in writing using the request form on this page. The application must be filled out clearly and in its entirety and must be signed and accompanied by all attachments necessary for our services to proceed with the analysis of your request, namely the documents proving your suitability.

According to Law no. 26/2016, of August 22, access to named documents is reserved to the person to whom the data relates. Under the terms of paragraph 5, article 6 of the same Law, access to these documents is only granted to third parties if:

  1. They are in possession of written authorization from the data holder that is explicit and specific as to its purpose and as to the type of data they want to access;
  2. Prove on a reasoned basis that he/she has a direct, personal, legitimate and constitutionally protected interest that is sufficiently relevant, after weighing up, within the framework of the principle of proportionality, all the fundamental rights in question and the principle of open administration, to justify access to the information.

We inform you that any further communication or disclosure of personal data is subject to the regime provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7) of Article 4 of this Regulation, the applicant for access request assumes the responsibility for the processing of the data contained in the documents requested.

The request, and the respective annexes (in pdf format), should be sent to the following address or sent by mail to the headquarters of the services, located at:

Serviços de Ação Social da Universidade de Lisboa
Edifício Cantina Velha - Av. Professor Gama Pinto
1600-192 LISBOA

The Social Action Services of the University of Lisbon will contact the applicant, using the notification method included in the application form:

  • Within a maximum of 5 (five) days from the date of entry of the application, in case the information in the application is not sufficiently precise so as to remove any possible constraints;
  • Within a maximum of 10 (ten) working days, to:
    • Communicate the date and time to access the documents, in case the form of access intended is face-to-face;
    • Send the required documents;
    • Communicate the reasons for total or partial refusal of access to the document, as well as the administrative and judicial appeal guarantees available to the applicant against such decision, namely the filing of a complaint with the CADA and the judicial summons of the requested entity.