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Quality is a strategic commitment of SASULisboa, which is embodied in the implementation of an Integrated Quality Management System.

Page last update on 2022-11-14

Quality is a strategic commitment of SASULisboa, which is embodied in the implementation of an Integrated Quality Management System (SIGQ-SASULisboa), which aims at transparency and continuous improvement of the mission of SASULisboa, valuing the various stakeholders in the developed activities and committing them to the importance of compliance with the established standards, procedures and objectives.


The Regulations of the Integrated System of Quality Assurance of SASULisboa establish the bases of the Integrated System of Quality Assurance of SASULisboa (SIGQ-SASULisboa), defining its organization and main instruments, in line with the Integrated System of Quality Assurance of the University of Lisbon.

The SIGQ-SASULisboa aims at the continuous improvement of the SASULisboa processes, assessing the degree of fulfilment of its mission through the application of performance criteria and indicators.

The SIGQ-SASULisboa guarantees periodic self-assessment and external assessment of SASULisboa through permanent quality management procedures.