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Price Table


Page last update on 2023-10-10

Registration fee

Associated with the admission or readmission of each child to kindergarten is the payment of the enrollment fee (including school insurance), which amounts to apply for the current academic year are:

  • Admission and Re-admission - 100,00 €, paid as follows:
    • 50% on booking (50,00 €);
    • Remaining 50% (50,00 €) with the first monthly fee;
  • SASULisboa scholarship holders - Free

Cancellation of registration must be communicated to the kindergarten 30 days in advance.

Monthly payment

Tuition fees and other fees associated with attendance are approved by superiority and take effect each academic year.

For this purpose, the monthly fees are determined based on the calculation of the gross annual income per capita resulting from all the elements of the household (according to the payment notes sent by the Tax Authority), according to the following formula: C = R / N

On what:

C = Capitation;

R = gross income of all members of the household;

N = Number of people in the house.


Tuition Table
Academic year 2023/2024

Echelon Monthly payment Annual Per Capita Income
SASULisboa scholarship holders 100,00 € Up to 80% of the maximum value of the reference scholarship *
80,00 € From 50% to 79% of the maximum value of the reference scholarship *
60,00 € Up to 49% of the maximum value of the reference scholarship *
220,00 € Up to 70% of the GMMR ** Up to 7.448 €
310,00 € From 70% to 100% of the GMMR ** From 7.448,01 € to 10.640 €
400,00 € More than 100% of the GMMR ** More than 10.640,01 €
Extra Ulisboa 450,00 € Users within the scope of paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 12 of the Internal Regulation for Child Support
Registration 50,00€+50,00€ Free for scholarship holders

* Maximum value of the reference scholarship in force at the beginning of the school year
** Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration in force at the beginning of the school year


Monthly Increase
Description Value
Children arriving between 7:30am and 8:30am
20,00 €
Children depart between 5:30pm and 6:30pm 20,00 €


Additional information

  • The number of monthly fees will be charged for 11 months, from September to July inclusive.
  • The period from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, the entry of children between 7:30 am and 8:30 am, as well as the exit between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm, are considered as normal hours of activities, subject to an increase in the monthly fee to be applied by each one. of the periods referred to, in accordance with the table in force in the corresponding academic year.
  • Parents with a link to ULisboa choose not to confirm the family's economic situation, paying the monthly fee for step 3.
  • Extracurricular activities are included in the monthly fee, as well as field trips included in the educational project.
  • This information does not dispense with the reading of the Child Support Internal Regulation.