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Standards, Regulations and Manuals

On this page you can find out about our policies, rules, regulations and procedures manuals.


Page last update on 2023-10-10


A policy is a document that establishes the guidelines that apply in an organization. The policy guides the organization's actions and the attitude of its employees towards a given topic. In this way, it serves as a reference for defining standards and procedures.


Standards are rules that must be respected and that allow certain behaviors or activities to be adjusted in order to solve or prevent problems. In this way, they seek to ensure desirable characteristics of products, services and behavior, with a view to quality, safety, reliability and efficiency.


A regulation is a document that contains a set of rules or instructions designed to facilitate the organization and operation of an organization.

Conduct Codes

A code of conduct, also known as a code of ethics, is a document that contains a set of rules and principles that should be adopted by all employees, collaborators and service providers in the organization.