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Cantina Velha


Page last update on 2023-10-10

About the Food Units

Cantina Velha offers homemade flavors, with healthy and freshly prepared dishes. If you are looking for varied meals and quality service, our team is waiting for you and you are vitalized for your academic life.
SASULisboa value your feedback and want to interact with you.
Leave your opinion and ideas in "Suggestions and Comments".


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1000 places
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Working days 08:00 to 21:00
Decorative icon of a fork and a knife

Social Meals

Lunches and dinners
12:00 to 15:00 / 18:00 to 20:40
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Full coverage
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Bar Service

08:30 to 17:00
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Study Space

08:00 to 21:000
(interruption from 12:00 to 14:30)
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Snack Bar
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Decorative icon with a motorcycle

Take Away

this week Menus

Click on the desired day of the week to view the menus.

Location and Contacts

Edifício Cantina Velha - Cidade Universitária - Avenida Professor Gama Pinto
1600-192 LISBOA

location icon Latitude: 38º45'03.6 N / Longitude: 9º09'32.4 W

phone icon +351 21 3611700