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Food Services

SASULisboa has Food Units and Snack Bars distributed across the Campus of the Universidade de Lisboa which, in addition to meal services, provide free Wi-Fi access study spaces.

Page last update on 2023-10-10

We are concerned with

Your health and well-being:
e are committed to supporting your health and well-being. All of our menus include healthy options and diets. We prioritize the use of fresh, seasonal and nutritious products, typical of the Mediterranean diet, which are prepared daily by our team.

Your education:
e provide you with the dietary details of all dishes, in order to be able to make balanced choices.

The planet:
e are committed to eradicating the use of plastic, reducing waste and reducing agri-food circuits, using local suppliers and efficient use of resources.

Your opinion:
e value your feedback and wants to interact with you.
Leave your opinion and your ideas, in "Suggestions and Comments".

Food Units

The SASULisboa have Refectories and Snack Bars distributed in the Campus of Universidade de Lisboa, in addition to the meal service, provide study spaces with access to network points and Wi-Fi connections.

The complete meal includes:

  • Bread
  • Soup
  • Main dish
  • Dessert (fruit, yogurt or sweet)
  • Drink (water or tea)

The main dish can be chosen among meat or fish and vegetarian dish. A diet dish is available by appointment.

For more detailed information, you can consult the page dedicated to each of the Food Units.

Access and Functioning

The following public have access to SASULisboa Food Units:

  • The Academic Community of ULisboa, after duly proven of its link to the University: students, staff, teachers, researchers, research fellows, visitors and collaborators invited.
  • Others, after proven that they are duly authorized.

Meal Payment

  1. Units under direct management:
    Through the Universidade de Lisboa Identification Card (Caixa IU Card), purchase of a meal ticket or cash. (For planning and control reasons, the meal ticket is valid on the day it is purchased).
  2. Concessioned units:
    Cash payment.

In compliance with the "General Data Protection Regulations", in order to start using the University of Lisbon Identification Card for payments of SASULisboa services, users should request their user registration on the SASULisboa website, following the steps:

  1. On the home page of the SASULISBOA website, under "User Support", click on "Registration Request";
  2. Mark your consent options and click "Next";
  3. Fill in the fields provided with your data and "Submit".


  • If the user's registration is automatically detected, registration is immediately valid. Otherwise, the interested party will have to submit a document proving the link to ULisboa.
  • If the user has marked the field of consent, the identification card is searched in the academic database of the Faculty/Institute at the time of registration. If it is detected, the card is immediately activated. Otherwise, the user must go to the Food Unit "Cantina Velha".

Hygiene and Food Safety

In terms of food hygiene and safety, all Food Units have implemented a Hygiene and Food Safety System - HACCP, aided by other standards or Code of Good Practice

In this context, in addition to internal actions, the Food Units are subject to external audits, carried out monthly, including samples for microbiological control of confectionery, utensils and surfaces.

Location and Contacts

Edifício Cantina Velha - Cidade Universitária - Avenida Professor Gama Pinto
1600-192 Lisboa

location icon Latitude: 38º45'03.6 N / Longitude: 9º09'32.4 W

phone icon +351 21 3611700

envelope icon

Relevant Documents

Price tables (PDF)