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Técnico (Tagus Park)


Page last update on 2023-10-10

About the food unit

The food unit in Instituto Superior Técnico - Tagus Park is concessioned to an external company, following a public tender.
SASULisboa values your feedback and wants to interact with you.
Leave your opinion and your ideas, in "Suggestions and Comments".

Decorative icon of number of places


178 places
Decorative icon of a clock


Working days 08:00 to 18:00
Decorative icon of a fork and a knife

Social Meals

Lunches 11:30 to 15:00

this week Menus

Click on the desired day of the week to view the menus.

Location and Contacts

Av. Professor Doutor Aníbal Cavaco Silva
2744-016 PORTO SALVO

location icon Latitude: 38°44'14.3 N / Longitude: 9°18'11.4 W

phone icon +351 21 3611778