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Organizational Structure

Learn more by consulting the Organization Chart and Staff Map

Page last update on 2023-10-10


The Administrator is responsible to coordinate and streamline the operation of all units of SASULisboa, ensure the current management, implement the decisions of the Board of Management and exercise the competences prescribed by law and delegated by the Rector, in the areas of human resources, administrative, financial and asset management and social action.

Administration Support Services:

Information and Communication Systems and Technologies Management Area

The Information and Communication Systems and Technologies Managemnet Area develops its activities in the scope of support and development of information technology tools in order to support all the SASULisboa units.

Planning Unit

The Planning Unit develops its activities in the scope of the support to the direction and the management units.

Administrative and Financial Department

The Administrative and Financial Department coordinates the actions and tasks inherent to the administrative, economic, financial and patrimonial management of the SASULisboa, in accordance with the directives of budget, accounts and stationery, including the following services: Administrative and Financial Unit.

Administrative Unit

The Administrative Unit develops its activity in the scope of Human Resources and Expedient, namely, in the support to the management and operationalization of personnel processes.

Financial Unit

Asset Management and Technical Resources Department

The Asset Management and Techincal Resources Department coordinates the actions and tasks in the scope of operational management of assets affected by SASULisboa and it gathers the Conservation and Maintenance Services.

Conservation and Maintenance Services

Accommodation and Child Support Area

The Accommodation and Child Support Area works with the student community in order to provide students accommodated in SASULisboa university residences with favorable conditions for study, well-being and integration in the social and academic environment, as well as the provision of child support services.

Child Support Unit

Schoolarships Services

The Scholarship Services develops its work within the scope of direct support to students, in order to favor equal opportunities for successful attendance at ULisboa.

Food and Nutrition Unit

The Food and Nutrition Unit develops its activity in the scope of providing food services, nutrition and food quality services.