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Accommodation price tables 2023/2024

Page last update on 2023-10-10


Monthly Value
Accommodation Type ULisboa Others
Quarto individual 243,00 € 390,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income <= 30 x IAS
163,00 € 334,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income > 30 x IAS
211,00 € 334,00 €
Apartment A 550,00 € 670,00 €
Apartment B 600,00 € 725,00 €
Biweekly Value
Accommodation Type ULisboa Others
Quarto individual 165,00 € 265,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income <= 30 x IAS
111,00 € 229,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income > 30 x IAS
142,00 € 229,00 €
Apartment A 375,00€ 450,00 €
Apartment B 415,00 € 490,00 €
Accommodation Type Ulisboa Others
Quarto individual 110,00 € 175,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income <= 30 x IAS
75,00 € 150,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income > 30 x IAS
95,00 € 150,00 €
Apartment A 255,00 € 355,00 €
Apartment B 280,00 € 445,00 €
Accommodation Type Ulisboa Others
Quarto individual 23,00 € 38,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income <= 30 x IAS
17,00 € 33,00 €
Bed in Shared Room
per capita income > 30 x IAS
21,00 € 33,00 €
Apartment A 54,00 € 88,00 €
Apartment B 58,00 € 110,00 €

Students with scholarship DGES: 84,08 €

Administrative Acts (Keys): 10,00 €/year.

Garage (when applicable):

  • Each car: 40,00 €/mês;
  • Each motorcycle: 15,00 €/mês;
  • Each bike: free

The amount of the accommodation invoice, for periods of time not coincident with the units mentioned above, will be accounted in the most favorable way to the user.

The amount of the accommodation invoice includes the provision by SASULisboa of bed linen and its weekly replacement, the use of equipment in common areas and internet use throughout the residence.


Residência Nossa Srª da Paz, Residência Egas Moniz, Residência Artilharia Um e Residência Campus da Ajuda

Monthly Value
Accommodation Type ULisboa Others
Single Room, with WC 433,00 € 477,00 €
Single Room, no WC 423,00 € 451,00 €
Double Room: by bed 317,00 € 371,00 €
Biweekly Value
Accommodation Type ULisboa Others
Single Room, with WC 315,00 € 466,00 €
Single Room, no WC 305,00 € 456,00 €
Double Room: by bed 240,00 € 424,00 €
Weekly Value
Accommodation Type Ulisboa Others
Single Room, with WC 195,00 € 265,00 €
Single Room, no WC 170,00 € 244,00 €
Double Room: by bed 110,00 € 212,00 €
Daily Value
Accommodation Type Ulisboa Others
Single Room, with WC 42,00 € 53,00 €
Single Room, no WC 25,00 € 43,00 €
Double Room: by bed 16,00 € 32,00 €


Residência TTC@ULisboa

Monthly Value
Accommodation Type ULisboa Others
T0 561,00 € 612,00 €
T1 714,00 € 765,00 €
T3 1428,00 € 1530,00 €
Biweekly Value
Accommodation Type ULisboa Others
T0 362,00 € 408,00 €
T1 448,00 € 469,00 €
T3 899,00 € 918,00 €
Weekly Value
Accommodation Type Ulisboa Others
T0 187,00 € 229,00 €
T1 268,00 € 290,00 €
T3 535,00 € 571,00 €
Daily Value
Accommodation Type Ulisboa Others
T0 45,50 € 56,00 €
T1 52,00 € 61,00 €
T3 76,00 € 91,00 €

Garage (when applicable):

  • Each car: 40,00 €/mês;
  • Each motorcycle: 15,00 €/mês;
  • Each bike: free

The amount of the accommodation invoice, for periods of time not coincident with the units mentioned above, will be accounted in the most favorable way to the user.

The amount of the accommodation invoice includes the provision by SASULisboa of bed linen and its weekly replacement, the use of equipment in common areas and internet use throughout the residence.